I had heard a lot about GivingTuesday. But most projects were done by adults. I thought, “Why aren’t kids more involved?” So I messaged the organization and asked if we could partner up. That’s how GivingTuesdayKids came to life! I reached out to other kid philanthropists. Our goal is to get a million other kids around the world to sign up for GivingTuesdayKids.
There are a lot of ways for kids to give. If you’re not sure where to start, think of something you love doing. I love sewing. When I was in fourth grade, I passed a homeless lady on my way to school each day. I sewed a tote bag for her and filled it with toiletries. Then I started a group called Khloe Kares. We make bags for homeless women all over California. For GivingTuesdayKids, I’m going to help a whole school make bags.
Here are some ideas from two of my fellow GivingTuesdayKids ambassadors to inspire you. Giving doesn’t have to be a huge project. As long as you’re spreading kindness, you’re doing your part.