A phone with Instagram open. Text reads, swipe up.

Ozan Ozisik/Alamy Stock Photo (hands); Nooper/Shutterstock.com (phone); Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com (Instagram post); karnoff/Shutterstock.com (stickers); Photodisc/Getty Images (kicking); Stockdisc/Getty Images (dog, boy on phone); Tomas Rodriguez/Getty Images (eating)

Should Kids Be on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps in the world. More than 1 billion users post, like, and comment on photos on the app. Many of those users are kids. Instagram rules say you must be 13 to sign up for an account. But some kids lie about their age to join. Others get permission from their parents. 

Some people say Instagram is dangerous for kids. They point out that many kids are too young to understand the risks of sharing personal information online. But others argue that parents can control who kids follow and what they post. With supervision, they say, the app can help kids connect and communicate. Here's what two of our readers think.

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Instagram is a great way to save your memories and stay in touch. You can see and comment on pictures from family members and friends who live far away.

It’s important to stay safe online. One way is to adjust your privacy settings to control who can see your posts. If you’re careful, having a private profile on Instagram can show your parents that you know how to be responsible on social media.

Kids being on Instagram is against the rules. There’s good reason—the app is not always kid-friendly. Cyberbullies can leave mean comments on photos. Plus, always looking at other people’s posts can make kids feel like they need to look like the kids in those photos.

If you want to stay in touch with friends, why not just invite them over? Or call them on the phone and have a real conversation.

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